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April 8, 1945

"Lucena, Bangued Captured.... Sorsogon cleared of Japs."

In the Manila Post, Carlos Quirino is in despair because as the Third Anniversary of the Fall of "Malaria-Infested" Bataan approaches, many of those released from prison are now being branded as collaborators or "virtual traitors." Those who stayed to face the music didn't have a good time, he said, and those who weren't here can't possibly know what the boys went through. So erase this "slur upon our honor."

Guerilla Vol.1 No.3: Hermenegildo Atienza regrets that the Philippines is being split into two camps on the Independence question. He thought it had already been settled "on the shores of Mactan, at the fields of Bagumbayan and Balintawak, at Malolos and Tirad Pass, at Bataan and O'Donnell and in the free hills of the Philippines." Then he casts aspersions on the men favoring deferment by saying that they seem to be the same bunch that collaborated with the Japanese.

"Win's Column" convicts ALL the Philippine Leaders of 1941, "in the Supreme Court of Public Conscience," of the crime of "Culpable Omission," and sentences them to "Ostracism and Ignominy."

These three stories paint a good picture of the Philippine spirit: sick of mind and soul, and at the time we should be uniting to rebuild the nation.