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April 7, 1945

"Japan's Black Friday", says the MFP Editorial because of a one two three blow: 1) "MacArthur heads all Pacific Armies" and Nimitz takes over all naval forces; 2) "Koiso Cabinet Falls"; 3) "Reds Denounce Japanese Neutrality Pact" and abrogate their Non-Aggression Pact with Japan.

Page 3: A Filipino is charged with homicide for making poisonous liquor that resulted in the deaths of five GIs. I don't think that includes the two deaths and one more blinding reported yesterday from drinking the bad brew.

One Major Cook was delivering a truckload of PCAU textiles to distribution centers, but every time the truck started to move, looters would climb aboard. The same process used to drive the Japanese crazy during the Occupation. Eventually, shots had to be fired to scare them off.

Two guys I know broke up with their fiancées for going out with the Americans so much. It's happening a lot lately.