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Pg.2/2 December 3, 1944

This afternoon someone dropped a note from Joe into our house while I was downtown trying to do some business. The last time we heard from him was early April.

Dear H, Thanks a lot for the package of food, I certainly appreciated it. I hope you are all well and in good health. As far as myself, I am OK, although a little hungry. Wait until P. tells you what she says to send, and if it is not too much sacrifice for you, once in a while send me a small package of food. Thank her a million times for her kind deed. Lots of love to all. Very affectionately, Joe.

The four little packages I gave Pompin for Joe a week ago are still in Manila; the Japanese supposed to deliver them still hasn't turned up.

A rumor says Yamashita will transfer his headquarters to Baguio. A letter from Baguio indicates life is getting tougher there. The influx of Japanese has led to them taking houses just like in Manila. A week ago, Rafael Ledesma said eggs were P5 each in Baguio; this letter said P24 each.

On the Santa Mesa Cine fire, the Japanese slapped Mrs. Watanabe and her maid, blaming them for being indirectly responsible. Stores of lifebelts, textiles and blankets were all lost. Mrs. Watanabe's store was completely gone along with much butter, rice and sugar. The Figueras house was only scorched; they moved back in the following day.