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Pg.1/2 December 3, 1944

Tribune: "Japanese Air-Borne Troops Wreck Enemy Airfields in Leyte ... Daihon-ei reveals surprise landings on Dulag, Burauen." The airborne troops didn't parachute in; one plane made a landing on water five miles from Dulag, and the other crash-landed on the beach.

"Four U.S. Carriers admitted lost in battle of P.I." It's about the U.S. Navy's "belated" admittance of the damaging of escort carriers Kalinin Bay, Earnshaw Bay, White Plains and Kitkun. The U.S. admitted they lost two of six escort carriers, one destroyer of three, and two destroyer escorts out four in the battle off Samar. Some 1,400 survivors were rescued from the two escort carriers that were sunk.

Our House: Act II unfolded successfully last night. Duran got Takashima and Sergeant Kunishi to come to his house this morning. Dr. Alberto Sr., Tony Campos, Lombek and I joined them there. I quickly came to the point and talked about the Kempeitai Guarantee, our storing the furniture and valuables of eight displaced families as agreed, transportation difficulties, and even the frail condition of my parents. Lombek put in with "the principle of the thing ... the guarantee." The interpreter did a splendid job. Kunishi and Takashima had a long conversation and it was obvious the difficulty was how to protect us without clashing with the Embassy. "Leave it to me," I said, "I will explain it all to Okazaki ... most diplomatically ... politely." I developed my theme as I spoke: How the Embassy would be compromising the commitments made by the Kempeitai to ALL parties living in Manga Avenue, and Oky would be placing them in the difficult position of having to renege on their guarantees.

Takashima translated and Kunishi was pleased. "We'll leave it to you," he said, "but you must do your best not to put us in a bad light. If you succeed then Mr. Okazaki will have to negotiate with us, and perhaps, in a round-about way, we can put him off."

"Don't worry," I said, "I shall protect you. I shall see to it that no friction is caused."

I was about to thank them, but Takashima started translating and talking to Kunishi. Then he turned to me and said, "All is fine. Please do your best. And thank you very much." He was thanking ME for trying to save my house! Oh, one more condition was set: "This meeting never took place."