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Pg.2/2 November 27, 1944

How some boys get around: A fellow named Roberts, reputed to be a "millionaire" now, made plenty of dough trading cars, not hesitating to oil a few hands in order to get the proper licenses. At a time when a can of alcohol costs P1,200 to P1,500 on the black market, he rides around in a big Packard. I understand he just married a girl from the wealthy Ysmael family. Well, one rumor says he's now missing while another says the guerrillas got him.

The Osmeña family that went to Baguio has apparently disappeared. One rumor says the guerrillas got them; another more likely rumor says they've been taken to Osmeña in Leyte. A friend of mine moved into their house two days after they disappeared, and the Japanese came the next day to question him. Unlike the Mr. and Mrs., the Osmeña sons are not regarded in the best light.

Today I saw Judge Moran's son dashing about in a creamy new Buick coupe — strictly chic and all that. I wouldn't be caught dead or even near it if it were mine and I had the alcohol fuel, but the Moran boy has no such qualms. He made plenty of dough trading automobiles for the Japanese. It ain't healthy, I say.
