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November 10, 1944

FLASH: The Japanese just landed major reinforcements around Ormoc — three large transports and four medium ships escorted by destroyers — "impudently" unloading men and materials in daylight. This was the third major Japanese reinforcement; the first being under cover of the Naval Battle; the second under cover of their air strikes; and this third under cover of the bad weather.

So after 22 days, MacArthur still hasn't wrested air superiority from the Japanese or prevented them from sending reinforcements into Leyte. Realizing that the outcome of the war rests on the Leyte battle, the Japanese are making a desperate effort that can only end in catastrophe for them. In the final analysis, Leyte will end a battle of attrition that was always on the side of the Americans anyway. In the meantime, the typhoon has moved out to the Pacific so we can expect the resumption of carrier raids and additional attacks by Japanese planes. The next 48 hours promise to be interesting — many are eagerly awaiting MacArthur's next communiqués. KGEX breezed through all this with one statement: "In Leyte ... American forces have scored substantial gains" — yep, a few hundred yards.