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August 26, 1944

Tribune on the unofficial Manila strike: "Defense authorities deplore suspension of normal activity.... Public should continue with usual work unless ordered otherwise." Defense headquarters regretted the stoppage of all traffic "contrary to spirit of drill." Taiwan Denryoku reduced the number of streetcars running, "instead of setting an example" (even government offices closed for the day). So Defense Headquarters today announced the suspension of the "suspension of traffic," thus virtually suspending the drills. Got that? The Editorial is more to the point: "Don't Paralyze the City!"

Tribune recognizes and publishes a list of 233 rice growers who sold rice to the government — but the quantity sold was not announced. Public Pulser E.M. Miguel dares the National Rice Grower's Association to publish a list of growers and what part of their production was sold to the government.

News: Rumania declared war on Germany. In the Pacific, five more medium-sized Japanese transports were sunk and two were set afire "on both sides" of the Celebes. Areas south of Mindanao are being systematically cleared.