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August 15, 1944

Tribune: Another candidate for the best war story: "Enemy attacks hospital plane" — August 13, Domei from a "Japanese base" in China.

A lone unarmed ambulance plane on August 4 engaged and brought down two U.S. planes, which wantonly attacked the ambulance plane clearly marked with Red Cross insignias.
Attacked while transporting wounded soldiers to our base, the ambulance plane though in flames, adroitly dodged further enemy attacks. One enemy plane crashed into the Yangtze River as it dodged the ambulance plane. Continuing the struggle against the remaining enemy attackers, our ambulance plane destroyed another plane by self-blasting against it.

"Nippon forces take new positions outside Myitkyina in Northern Burma." Quote:

The withdrawal, carried out in the face of enemy attacks both from air and land, was made as part of the scheduled plan of the Japanese Army which is at present making preparations for future counter-attacks against the enemy.

News: New landing between Marseilles and Nice.