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August 9, 1944

Second fever in two months (37.5). Tribune: "Hengyang City Falls" (Daihon-ei).

"Hitler reiterates pledge to continue war to finish" — note he didn't say victory. "Since July 20 I have gained confidence since never before in my life," he said, even as eight of his Generals were being hanged.

"Germans attempting a large scale counter-offensive in France." Another article mentions Brest for the first time.

The "August" per capita rations (actually the first of this year): Half a box of matches, 150 grams of sugar (11¢) and 100 grams of laundry soap (10¢). Per family: 150 grams of coconut edible oil (15¢). In addition, each male smoker gets 3 packs of cigarettes: 2 packs of native (P2.40) and one "Akebono" (China — P1.50).

Manuel Roxas is pessimistic. He expects a German collapse late this year and a six-month Philippine campaign. So we'll definitely be free by mid 1945 — at least those of us who are still alive then. I'm hoping for a grand invasion of Luzon in mid-October.

News: The German counter-offensive was plastered. Some 4,000 bombers and fighters (unopposed) knocked out 135 tanks. The Americans are 150 kilometers from Paris, having gained 50 kilometers. An offensive from the Caen sector is beginning.