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August 6, 1944

Tribune: "Total war efforts by Germany discussed at two-day conference." Himmler, Goebbels, Speer ... met, but not Hitler. Speer (Minister of Production) says Germany has "to regain technical superiority over the enemy," and send more fighting soldiers to the front. The conference ended with a speech "of several hours by Heinrich Himmler" — if you fell asleep during the speech you were promptly shot, I suppose.

A new campaign: "Enemy's inhumanity severely censored" — Tokyo; "Moral Decay Manifested" — Berlin; "The Anglo-Saxon Brute" — Editorial. All about the American defilement of Japanese dead. The May issue of Life Magazine shows a girl studying "a skull sent by an American soldier," and one Congressman sent FDR a letter opener made from the forearm bone of a Japanese soldier.

I haven't heard from Manolo Herman since I gave him my radio for fixing. It's been overdue since July 15. That's fifteen promises and one "cross my heart" cruelly broken.