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July 26, 1944

The off-and-on again Evacuation plans of Manila are back off again for now at least, though that isn't by any means final. The Japanese may agree in principle, but little by little, street by street, sector by sector, they may eventually achieve their objective: The Philippines must not be lost! Current plans call for a fight to the last man. Fewer civilians mean fewer problems of food, guerrillas, and protection of property. Depots are being established all over the city already, dispersal being more important than the safety of civilians. Right behind us, ammunition and gasoline is now being stored at the Burgos School.

Tribune: "Air Defense Drill in City Successful" — about the partial blackout last night, the standard cover for the secret movement of troops and heavy equipment.

"Japs blast 30 foe tanks in Omiyajima" [Guam]. Not a word about Tinian.

"5,000 Meteor Bombs dropped in England.... London must be a mess today."

The best of the press is a letter in the Public Pulse from one J. Liwanag of Manila:

As soon as it came to know that it was no longer equal to the task entrusted to it, the Tojo Cabinet ... resigned en masse.... Filipinos in the government Service who have so far failed in their respective tasks ... should ponder on this great lesson of Nippon and resign without delay.

Fancy Alunan, Recto et al reading this and just WISHING they could chuck it all!