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July 25, 1944

Tribune: "Enemy attempt to land on Tinian foiled" — the usual Japanese successes force the Americans to turn back — but the landing did take place.

"Prime commodity distribution soon," says Nadisco, promising sugar too — but no date is specified. Meanwhile, rice is P1,200 a sack and camotes are P10 a ganta if you can find them. A single coconut, 2 cents prewar, is P1.80. Today, carretela fares jumped 20 to 50% in one shot. When the war began, some 130 streetcars plus hundreds of cabs, taxis and buses plied Manila. Now we have only ten autocalesas, four buses and no taxis. The streetcars are down to about 30, the rest are in the shops awaiting repairs and unavailable parts. Considering hardly anyone pays the fares nowadays, wasn't it nice of the Japanese to hand the line to the Filipinos?

Flash: Paredes said evacuation of non-residents from Manila agreed.