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July 3, 1944

I've had only one piece of business in almost five weeks, but I got paid in Genuine — and its value keeps going up against Japanese currency. Genuine "makes money" by itself. If you don't have it you can sell a shirt or a pair of shoes — anything gets a high price nowadays. Everything is expensive except the streetcars, which are being economically sabotaged. The management posted this sign recently in all lines: "If people do not line up and pay their fares before entering, this line will be discontinued."

The town is abuzz about Lim, Segundo and Capinpin, the three topnotch Filipino generals who are in Fort Santiago. Persistent reports say Lim was shot — it's no secret he was head of the guerrillas. The story is he was caught when an important message to him was intercepted and the courier was substituted.

Filipino Generals
Generals Vicente Lim, Fidel Segundo,
and Mateo Capinpin

News: Formosa bombed — one large transport sunk; Russians have bypassed Minsk on two sides, cutting all rail links; Germans are trying to hold Caen at all costs.