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June 30, 1944

Manila Bay houses some 87 Japanese ships. It sure looks like they're afraid to venture forth to Japan or into battle.

Tribune: "U.S. Advance Base in Hengyang taken by Nippon Forces." Much ado about China ... probably the only developments the Japanese can brag about.

Night raids on Saipan: Three enemy ships set on fire and airfield raided.

Not quite a candidate for one of the best stories of the war: Midnight June 15, torrential rains in the middle of the ocean when the transport Tokyoka Maru spots and rams an enemy sub rising to the surface. "Severely hit by this ramming attack, the enemy undersea craft was seen emitting bubbles as it began to list and finally capsized." But it hadn't sunk because they machine-gunned it and finally depth-charged it; "thus sending it to its watery grave".

Another speech from Professor Laurel:

I have passed sleepless nights in reflection and solitude [stop, my heart's breaking] and in the midst of the present difficulties, the hunger and starvation facing our people, when I kneel down.... I pray: 'God, give us something of Your hidden power ... with which to fill the hearts of every living Filipino.'

And that's Laurel in a nutshell — our stomachs are empty and he wants to fill our hearts.