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May 23, 1944

Tribune: "Japan ready to deal enemy final blow.... Tojo revels Nippon's fighting strength boosted."

"Japs down 32 foe planes" — from a carrier raid on Minami Torishima May 20 and 21. The Japanese, if they attacked at all, couldn't damage even a single ship.

"Miners start strike in U.S." The propaganda machine never fails to cover a strike.

"Enemy pilots strafe passenger train" — in Thailand. If conditions are anything like the Philippines, that was no passenger train.

Air raid drills tomorrow for schools, big buildings and hospitals.

At 1030 today, the Military Police picked up Ramon Amusategui from his office and took him to Fort Santiago. He's a nice fellow. I foresee plenty of headaches for that man. Many in Manila will sleep uneasily tonight, including Maurice and I.

One of the Ygoa boys was robbed of P500 right here in Manga Avenue a week ago. Maurice had just said hello to him as he passed by our house. A few doors down, three men pulled out their pistols and held him up. Robberies are on the increase — for anything and everything from light bulbs to negligees inadvertently left near the bed and picked up by a pole. And please watch your clothesline, don't leave shoes near a window, and watch out for fake inspectors — they've been known to take water meters.