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April 27, 1944

Tribune: "Cloth distribution system is amended; 20 dealers named." After confiscating all outstanding stock, Primco will distribute it through these 20 alleged honest dealers — nine Filipinos, five Japanese, three Indians and three Chinese. The catch is — where are our ration points? We handed our points in and have not received anything back.

Remember the Filipino working with Japanese propaganda people? At 0830 today, someone handed me a 25-page list of today's news from Domei for Manila. I don't know how he got hold of a copy, but the contents are significant. For instance, ten, twenty-five, and fifty planes bombed Guam, Meyeron and Truk. While the attacks were, of course, repulsed, they couldn't report a single American plane being shot down! In fact, there's not even a word about American landings in New Guinea! So, you see, the war news is censored where the action takes place, then it's relayed to Japan where it's censored again, then distilled by Daihon-ei for distribution, and finally censored again right here!