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March 19, 1944

Tribune: "City will form fire fighting units.... Hospitals Marked" — with Red Cross signs. If Anglo-Americans always bomb hospitals, why mark 'em?

Magazine Section: "Meaning of Army Day: 1905 Victory was Vindication for All Asians." It's about the childhood of Chandra Bose in a small town in India. At the tender age of five, he heard that Japan was winning a great war, even if he didn't know where Japan was. Anyway, it made him feel happy, which he attributed to the call of blood: "the common blood that flows through the veins of all Oriental people." At the tender age of five he couldn't add 2 plus 2 but could divide 16 by 4.

"Vargas Reviews Filipino-Nipponese Relations in Speech in Japan." We entered into "a firm, fast and all-inclusive Alliance with Japan," because we are grateful for independence and Japan's "sincere enthusiasm." The Ambassador's speech was purely for Japanese consumption.

Local Prices: A case of broadcloth (50 pieces of 36 yards) that cost P360 prewar is now worth P35,000. A tin of Carnation Condensed Milk is now P32. Sulfathiazole is P20 per tablet. The German Club bought a good quantity at the start of the war, and they'll sell it at cost to members who can prove they need it — at 20 centavos each!