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March 15, 1944

Tribune: "Two airfields under control of Japs" — all about Japanese gains in Bougainville, now that the war has moved on to Truk.

"Nippon units shoot down 52 foe planes" out of 320 on March 11 and 12, including two probables, for the loss of six. Damage was "negligible" — the planes were only sightseeing.

E.M. in Our Today wants to rewrite our pre-Magellan history, "records of which have been destroyed by our conquerors in their attempt to Christianize us in a hurry." The new history he proposes, "must be in harmony with the histories of our neighbors," including Nippon, of course.

"U.S. Refuses Pope's Plea to Spare Rome." In an attack on Rome yesterday, Virginio Gayda, the Italian version of our Commentator, "died under the ruins of a flattened building."

La Vanguardia: "Imminent fall of Taungzan, [Burma] important British base."

One truck in a Japanese Army convoy hit a Manila policeman on his bike in Aviles. All the other trucks skirted around the body — none stopped. By the time the ambulance arrived, he was dead.