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March 14, 1944

Tribune Headlines: "New Nippon Drive in Burma Underway"; "Japanese Attacks Seal Fate of Enemy Troops in Torokina" [Bougainville]; "Fierce Fighting in Los Negros." La Vanguardia: "Ten thousand British soldiers trapped in Tiddim" [Burma].

Two months ago, Cirila, one of our help, went to visit her sick mother in Alangalang, Leyte, and after two weeks had enough of it. She described the island as being in turmoil. Guerrillas rule the island save for several ports and the capital, Tacloban. They questioned her for failing to report her arrival, as anyone from Manila is considered a potential spy. Food is abundant but the Japanese are after it, forcing hacenderos to turn over most of their crop less an allowance for own use. Guerilla checkpoints prevent trucks from entering Japanese controlled areas. American officers are in charge and in contact with submarines. Meanwhile, the Japanese are sending men rapidly to these southern islands.