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February 25, 1944

Tribune: "Compulsory Labor Service is ordered by President." Everybody 16 to 60 must work one day a week as called. An exemption can be bought for P5, but if the party called hasn't been working for the past 30 days he can be called to work for more than one day per week.

Commentator explains why the Japanese Navy is hiding: "Japanese Navy ignores 'chicken feed' and seeks bigger game."

Maharajah suggests a riceless day each week would save 4,320,000 kilos of rice a month. So what should the poor eat instead?

Local business conditions are worsening. Even the exchange rate has gone down. Formerly 4.2 to 1, it's now under 4:1 for the first time in months. A $20 gold bill, which once reached the crazy height of P1,200, is now sharply below P1,000 — one report says P700. People with money had to protect it by converting it into "genuine" currency. Now they need the money to live. Still, the public is passive and the city is quiet. Robberies are only of the petty kind.