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February 24, 1944

Tribune: "Emergency Powers Bill Approved by President.... Act appropriates 50 million Pesos." What the money's for is not stated.

"British Admit 7th Division Now Trapped" — north of Buthidaung. It isn't.

Commentator says Truk was nothing but "Reactional Exhibitionism" on the part of the Americans. He admits the Japanese "silent Navy" is concealing itself, which "must be a very forbidding circumstance for the U.S. Navy."

Maharajah says the average family will need 15 gantas of rice per month to supplement Biba's rations. Biba upped its rations from 60 to 120 grams — temporarily.

News: A "strong" American Task Force with "several hundred planes" has been attacking the Marianas since Tuesday. The announcement mentioned Saipan and Tinian but not Guam. Manilans, expecting a lull after Truk, are astonished. The Japanese must be bewildered — the Marianas are less than 1,500 miles from Japan.