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January 9, 1944

Saw today a printed copy of the USFP News edited by one Lt. Col. CIO-12 — 2nd issue, January 1, 1944 — subscription by "voluntary contribution only." It gave a résumé of news, guerrilla notes and a report of recent Manila happenings — pretty good — except it credited Aquino for the country avoiding a declaration of war.

Tribune: "President Laurel calls upon all Filipinos to do their part.... 'I will do my utmost so that no man, woman or child in this country may die from want of food.'" It was broadcast on radio so the whole world now knows our plight.

"Free India Government moves Headquarters to Burma" — Bose is eager to fight.

E.M. mentions Rizal today, which reminds me that the Japanese encourage ceremonies at the Rizal Monument as often as possible. Someone chalked an interesting message there: "Poor Rizal. The only Filipino who's not listening to San Francisco."

Another fellow chalked the words God Bless America on the back of a truck owned by one Japanese. Five days later, the owner discovered it and tried to wipe it off with his hands. According to his neighbor, it's blurred but still legible.