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January 8, 1944

Tribune: "President Approves 1944 Budget Bill; Minimum Pay Hiked." If one includes expenses, the biggest amount goes to the Philippine Constabulary: P41 million out of the P122 million budget.

Guinto spoke to market vendors, dealers and officials, blasting the theory that 'whenever you control certain commodities, the supply disappears and the prices go up.' He extolled the beauty and equanimity of the food control system. Problem is ... it doesn't work. Everyone is predicting that rice will rise to P1,000 a sack in six months — definitely by eight.

"3 City Officials are suspended" — a medical officer of the city health office for confiscating meat for himself and his crew, and two firemen for selling fire-hose from the Santa Cruz Station. Incidentally, a truckload of Tokyo firemen arrived to fight a recent fire in Santo Cristo. Filipino firemen watched — expecting to learn some new techniques — and got a terrific lesson. The Japanese stormed the burning building and came out with ... LOOT! They piled it into their truck and left.

Another Public Pulse letter asks for the punishment of guilty Naric officials. The Japanese have set an example by sending all Japanese officials and inspectors of Naric to Fort Santiago! Another letter ridicules the fixing of the price of coffee well above market prices.