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December 16, 1943

Tribune: "Have faith in Government, Laurel Says in Message to Guerrillas. Misguided elements urged to forget past, start anew." Just who is misguided?

News from Cabanatuan is that the American Red Cross supplies have been distributed. The Philippines received 25,000 cases, most containing four rations of 11 lbs. each with corned beef, pork and beans, milk, chocolate, biscuits, and so on. Some 5 to 6,000 contained medicines, cigarettes, shoes, clothing, sports and surgical equipment. According to the report, each prisoner received a full case.

The Japanese probably delayed distribution to prevent seepage to the people outside (and further damage to their reputation). I guess they also didn't want the public to see what goodies the Americans sent. Santo Tomas has 4,000 cases and only 3,000 internees. If the excess is properly distributed, then the Japanese will have fulfilled their duty as well as can be expected.

It's Misa de Gallo season again — the Spanish custom of early morning masses for the nine days before Christmas. At 0455, our parish Padre set off an insistent torrent of church bells. Every light in E. Namikawa's house (our new neighbor) went on within half a minute. By the time I stepped out into the cold night his lights were back off. Namikawa, probably reassured by his servants, was fast asleep.