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December 5, 1943

Another day, another 3 carriers claimed sunk — 2 instantly — in the 6th air battle off Bougainville, or so says Radio Tokyo's evening broadcast. Also sunk were one battleship or heavy cruiser and one heavy cruiser. Three other vessels were "heavily damaged." Japanese announcements of naval triumphs have become a bore.

Tribune: "Enemy loses 104 planes" in Burma, China, and New Guinea from November 25 to December 2. Excluding probables and damaged, only 42 were shot down. The Japanese lost a mere 8.

E.M.: "America's Moral Degeneracy and the War" — an article he broadcast last Wednesday. His name is clearly printed as Emiiru Masatomi.

Just wait for the next Japanese offensive, says Commentator, ridiculing claims that Japan had lost her striking power.

The offensive will not only be stupendous in magnitude but it is also expected at the same time to be something terrific in its character that it will definitely result in the actual collapse of the British Empire.