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November 26, 1943

Tribune: "Laurel Urges Action" on five fronts: food, medicines, peace and order, transportation and government reorganization. He wants the "compulsory cultivation of all idle lands in the Philippines." Tell that to the guerrilleros.

Good propaganda: "Bose donates P125,000 to P.I." Bad propaganda: Commentator says the Japanese are using the "widely known" tactic of "offensive defense" — just like the Germans.

For several days I've been hearing about the panic at the Port Area when the Japanese thought some three American planes were overhead. The commotion was so great that it spread to parts of Intramuros.

Luis Fernandez is in Fort Santiago. On September 2, 1939, I was at his house listening to declarations of war while Adolf ranted and raved in the Reichstag. The Japanese took his transmitter and special receiver long ago. His close relative, Ramon Fernandez (the same one who was slapped by a sentry early in the Occupation), is a member of Laurel's Council of State.

I heard that Antonio Araneta's broken leg (in several places) came as a result of riding a bicycle and looking at a low flying plane at the same time. Need I add he hit something? I've had a few such close calls, myself.