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November 12, 1943

The Tribune quotes a U.S. communiqué: "Japs land additional forces on Bougainville.... U.S. Marines hemmed-in at beachheads." It starts with: "American marines with tanks, artillery and planes are battling hard...." Page 1: "Although Knox told the press that there is absolutely no truth in the Japanese claims, all indications are that the U.S. Navy suffered a tremendous defeat."

"Independence Celebration Postponed" has all Manila guessing why today, on the opening day of the three-day festival. Some say Laurel's plane is overdue.

Medicine prices have been fixed at fantasy levels. They've been selling at four times the fixed price in the past year, and are now at eight times.

In a letter to the Public Pulse, Nestor L. José asks why Primco bothers to issue cloth ration tickets: "What for ... it's no secret that there is no cloth to be bought in the stores." He says he'll use the coupons to light his cigarettes. Incidentally, the Primco offices on the fifth floor of the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank are full of Japanese, and so is the Naric, I'm told. So much for turning them over to us.