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October 18, 1943

Blue Monday — after three days of scarce news, what do we hear? Strikes in the U.S. It's disheartening. A friend told me the U.S. has a new super-bomber but it won't go into production until next year. "What's next?" I asked.

"Oh, you want the good news now? OK ... it's nothing," he said with arms outstretched, eyes miserable, and a look of anguish. Some have been saying that while the allies talk the Japanese act. We need something to counter the Japanese propaganda; some sign or token to lift our spirits, but it looks like it's going to be another 15 to 18 months under the Japanese.

The gist of Quezon's recent speech: The new government is phony and will never be recognized. Have faith in America. They will come back. And when they return, all property damages suffered by Filipinos will be made good down to the last carabao. Your government has made an alliance with the Japanese — beware of being tricked.

The alliance, first mentioned by Radio Tokyo on Friday, hasn't even been reported here yet. Many tuned in when they first heard about it but as of Saturday Radio Tokyo is not relayed here anymore!