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September 23, 1943

Who should drop in all of a sudden but Teodoro "the Great" Garcia. He had taken my advice to accept an invitation for a 15-month third-mate's course at the Seamen's Training Institute. He was thinner, famished, and broke as usual, so I ordered him some fruitcake. He said they don't get fed enough because the buyers and cooks skim some of it. They wake up at 0500 and run 4 kilometers before a breakfast of rice and dried fish. His P15 a month all goes on extra food. Study is hard and hurried without much assistance. The tutors, all Annapolis graduates, are Filipinos except for one Japanese. There's an understanding that when one of the Annapolis boys decides the time is right, they'll run quick. In the meantime, another Annapolis fellow makes them laugh by exposing preposterous Japanese news under the guise of maritime problems.

Dr. Carlos, one of our best veterinarians, is dead. The Japanese went in with pointed bayonets, gave him a severe beating, then dragged the barely conscious doctor to a car and took him away. They knew exactly where he had some guns stashed thanks to his disgruntled dokar cochero.

La Vanguardia: "Premier Tojo talks to his people." The nation that boasted of being "totally" on a war footing with a surplus of manpower has to "mobilize" women for war jobs to increase war output. Their outlook is becoming grimmer every day.