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September 9, 1943

I got a cryptic call this morning from Celso Tuason. In a sad voice, he told me: "The sick pig we were talking about yesterday just died." It took me a while to figure out the message: Italy had surrendered! After calling six others, he had simply run out of known words for Italy. I quickly dressed and went out to find Manga Avenue already full of Paul Reveres delivering the news by bike — all with the knowing look. Downtown, I had to comfort Dr. Ayesa when Mr. Menzi cut him short. By 0900 it was accepted that all knew. At 0930 a fellow exploded: "Heck, that's old news!"

The only one glum today was Penny's dad. I saw him standing alone outside his store, looking sad and trying to put on his most innocent face. He's been warned that someone told the Japanese his store was a hotbed of Pro-American Spaniards.

The press and radio had nothing on Italy. One of the surrender conditions is that the Italians must fight the Germans who are still in Italy. The Germans are calling it High Treason. The Spanish and Swiss Clubs here are calling for a big celebration.