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August 5, 1943

Splashes: "The most obvious hypocrisy of imperialists is that they accuse us of having lower living standards after pushing us down." The facts are that the Filipinos, under America, enjoyed a higher standard of living than Japan. Only this evening, Ignacio Javier (he's back) quoted Laurel as saying as much, and that this led to the Filipinos having an "attachment for Americans" — one of the chief obstacles to the realization of the New Order. Guzman quoted Tojo talking to the Inspection Committee:

You might have noticed that the accommodations of the Dai-Ichi Hotel ... are rather poor when compared to the Manila Hotel. It is indicative of energetic living in simplicity. This very difference shows at once the strength of Japan and the weakness of America. My explanation might not be adequate, but to live spiritually is a characteristic common to all Orientals.

And is absolutely necessary, I might add, when your country's been at war for some twelve years.

Tribune Staffer and member of First Inspection Party to Japan, Vicente J. Guzman