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August 2, 1943

Special Monday edition of the Tribune exclusively on Burma: "Independent.... Forms alliance with Japan.... Filipinos hail grant of freedom.... Laurel and Vargas lead P.I. in nationwide rejoicing." Saito said Burma's declaration of war was just "a natural consequence" of independence" because of Japan's role in securing it. He tried to soften it by saying that it's only "to clarify the position of Burma in the midst of a world at war." General Kawabe, like Kuroda here, "urged the Burmese people to discard petty differences." Maybe, like here, it's not so petty.

Editorial: "We feel that the same good fortune will be ours too, in a matter of months." Japan was in such a hurry that she gave Burma independence before it even had a Constitution. Burma's actual Declaration of Independence read like Saito or Hori — an anti-British diatribe.