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August 1, 1943

"Japan set to fulfill her mission. General Matsui says East Asia will be liberated." (Not by Japan.) He warns us twice that events "may" transpire in Europe that "will not in any way affect the course of action of Japan in East Asia." But it will sure affect the Allies' ability to fight Japan.

Splashes: E.M. writes that a committee that fails to function should be replaced — a hint that the PCPI or Exec-Commission should do what it's told.

Another long article from Laurel: "Government by Symbol" — the Emperor's divinity makes Japan unique among nations. In the Imperial Army, an order from a superior is deemed to come directly from the Emperor, says Laurel, and the Philippines is in need of such a symbol. Well, Laurel's not it.

BURMA got her independence today. KZRH repeated the announcement over and over. Later, I heard a speech that was truly monstrous in its deception, staunch in its crime, careless in its choice of words. So perverted were its intentions that I wondered what kind of nation could have perpetrated such a farce. Only one answer ... from no other.

Here was Japan, by her own admission mighty, courageous, invincible, unconquerable, benevolent, and magnanimous, committing a mighty hoax on a people and foisting it upon a world that knows better. The Allies will soon attack Burma, "but the initiative and responsibility for maintaining Burmese independence rests squarely upon the strong shoulders of Burmese youth" — not on Japan! When the bombers arrive, Burmese youth will henceforth be on the receiving end. Puppets have seen to it — they've been busy preparing a huge sacrificial offering: "The Burmese government today promptly declared war on Britain and America." Declared war? With what?