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June 12, 1943

I saw the 'Grapes of Wrath' at the Lyric Theater yesterday, but it's the vaudeville I want to write about. It consisted entirely of music and singing — nothing Japanese except for the march at the end. With veiled threats, the Japanese told us that our stage shows must portray the drama of the times and be of use to society. So that's another crusade that is dead, just like the campaigns to change the country's name and buy Japan a fighter plane. As Public Pulser Marcelo Reyes pointed out, the shows are "primarily interested in box-office results and not the intellectual or moral uplift of the masses. After all, that is a job for professional educators and missionaries."

The Japanese are no longer masters of the thought processes of the Filipinos. Filipinos are writing bolder letters in the Public Pulse and are finding the Japanese solicitous in the extreme. This is taken to be a sign of weakness. E.M. of Our Tomorrow already sensed it, but the Japanese as a whole have not; or prefer to shy away from the alternative of tightening the screws.