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May 15, 1943 — written May 27

Tribune: "Axis Stronger, Hori" — a long article talking-up the Axis where the writer tries to prove that 4 minus 1 equals 8. The entire Europe is a fortress and "East Asia is invulnerable," he says.

"Neighborhood Associations Assured [of] May Rations" — not June's then, I guess.

I sure wish their local radio would stop playing the Ink Spots. It's making it tough for me to catch up on my writing.

Page 1: U.S. admitted (there go the Ink Spots again) the destroyer Aaron Ward, (...But this time I'm really through...) the tanker Kanawha, ( hurt my heart and my pride so this time...) and the New Zealand corvette Moa, (...I'm yours for the rest of my days, but darling, till then I'm through...) were all sunk (...I tried to be fair but you didn't care...) at Guadalcanal. ( gave me a song and dance...) That's it! Time out until the song is finished.

The Ink Spots: 'I'm Through' — 1939