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April 3, 1943

Tribune: "Meat and Fish Prices Controlled," and brought down 40 to 70% says the article. But before, when you bought a kilo of pork for P1.80, you got PORK. Now, you pay P1.30 but you get bones, fat and skin too, so you need to buy more — and there is less of it available at any price.

Benigno Aquino had a 40-minute talk with Schaer during which he managed to say nothing against the Japanese or the Americans. In fact, Schaer's impression was that Aquino seemed somewhat bewildered by everything that was happening, as if he was caught in a maelstrom he couldn't control.

His eyes sparkled when he said the Japanese would grant us independence next year. "Aquino to me is a man possessed by lust of ambition," said Schaer. "All he's interested in is power — with himself at the top. His country comes second to his personal greed for glory." Under Quezon, Aquino was destined for oblivion. Given a second chance to fulfil his lifelong dream, he seized the opportunity, burning all bridges behind him. Soon he'll find himself without any bridges in front too.

Schaer asked about an increasing shortage of rice. Aquino seemed doubtful but didn't deny it. The Japanese want to make us self-sufficient but we're going to be short of what we had the most of! They've been exporting it to Japan and burning most of the rest for alcohol.