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March 14, 1943

"Panzer units break through Kharkov lines.... City recaptured after three weeks in Russian hands."

"Is there a Filipino Soul?" asks Pedro Aunario, the TVT's leading pro-Japanese columnist. Are we truly Oriental or a mixture of two Occidental cultures? To the Japanese who posed the question, he answered, "There exists only a mixture that is not very binding in nature."

A government official just back from Tayabas found the people there cool towards him. A local was kind enough to explain:

Being in the government makes people here feel a bit suspicious or uneasy towards you. This is natural because the people here don't like the Japanese and they do like the Americans. So much is the case that I'll give you a little friendly warning. Whatever you say here, don't say anything against the Americans.

You can get an idea of how things are in New Guinea by the following story from Dr. Celestino Herrero, of the Philippine General Hospital. A few days ago, a Japanese Military Police Officer came in for his regular inspection late and showing the effects of a couple of beers too many. Unable to find anything wrong, he got frustrated and barked: "We ought to close this place!" The shaken doctor asked why. "We are treating you too good for the massacre of Japanese you're doing to us in New Guinea."