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February 24, 1943

Tribune: "P.I. Independence Possible ... Through the August Virtue and Unbounded Benevolence of the Imperial Family of Japan." As a prominent Filipino remarked, "Dog-gone it, the Japs are going to give us independence whether we like it or not and then force us to declare war on the Allies."

How many guerrillas are there in the P.I.? The Scribe gives us a clue:

If all of us who have friends or relatives still hiding in the mountains succeed in making at least one of them reconsider their present stand by means of personal appeals, it is certain that the total will become quite a figure.

The news is better today. The Russians have made an 80-mile flanking drive between Kursk and Kharkov on a 40 to 50-mile wide front; the German drive in North Africa has been checked near Thala; and MacArthur's bombers got more Japanese ships.