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February 10, 1943

"Japanese Set for New Drive in Pacific." Issued by the Imperial Headquarters at 1500, February 9:

Japanese army and navy forces in the South Pacific areas since last summer have dispatched strong forces bringing pressure to bear on crushing the stubborn counter-attacks of the enemy. Under their protection they have established in the main strategic bases at key points of New Guinea and the Solomons area, thereby laying the foundations for new operations.
Japanese troops, which advanced to Buna in New Guinea in order to facilitate the aforesaid operation, succeeded despite its small numerical strength to crush stubborn enemy resistance. Having completed their duties they were transferred to other points at the end of January.
Japanese troops which were similarly detailed to cover the aforesaid operation in Guadalcanal Island in the Solomons group succeeded in crushing strong enemy forces which have been landing continuously on the island since August last year. However, having attained their objective, these troops were removed to another point in the early part of February.
Throughout the entire operation, Japanese forces brought heavy pressure to bear upon the enemy and as the latter's activities were checkmated; the transfer of the aforementioned two Japanese forces was conducted in orderly manner.

And that's the way the Japanese admitted they lost the Solomons. No use checking the radio tonight — heaviest jamming of the year.