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January 13, 1943

The Tribune on Aquino's speech at the Kalibapi Rally in Malolos:

He began ... by expressing wonder over reports ... [that] the people are afraid to speak, when the Japanese Forces want the people to open their hearts and speak frankly.

And since a few people have been shot for speaking frankly, encouraging them to do so is treason. He brought up two interesting technicalities:

• The Philippines didn't declare war on Japan because under the Constitution, only the National Assembly could do it.
• Filipino soldiers in the USAFFE technically "belonged to the armed forces of the U.S and not the Philippines."

His point: "Japan is not our enemy." No sir, we were invaded, bombed and shelled, chased into the mountains, thrown into prison camps and denied clothing and medical care ... but because we didn't declare war on them, they're our friends!