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December 18, 1942

'Johnny Instantaneously' talks about Japanese raids on Port Moresby and Kweilin in the Tribune — nothing else to report. It's beginning to look like the columns 'Our Tomorrow' (by "E.M."), 'Splashes', and 'Short Talks' (by one "Juan de la Cruz") in the Tribune are penned by the same egotistical Japanese.

La Vanguardia: "Japan decides to construct more and more ships." Great idea; I wonder what prompted them to make that decision all of a sudden.

"Letters To Prisoners Allowed." Free — no postage required but the sender's name and address must be on the envelope. It would help if the Japanese published an official list of prisoners — but then they'd have to account for them later. There still are over 15,000 Filipino prisoners up north — some brought all the way up from Mindanao.