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October 11, 1942

Tribune: "New [Liaison] Office to Aid Public Opens Monday" — headed by Eikichi Imamura, a local Japanese.

The public is advised that whenever anyone is in trouble, it is advisable to submit the matter to this office and endeavor to continue in the daily work. The office wishes everyone to say only the truth on personal matters. In connection with the opening of this office the need for the people is to fast examine their past behavior and henceforth be on the alert for misleading propaganda.

In case you haven't figured it out, the actual purpose of this office is to encourage stool pigeons.

A long fanatical article in the magazine section on the "Spirit of the way of Tenno Heika" has a passage that caught my eye:

If you want to understand the true meaning of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere and to know the reality of Tenno Heika, you too, must give your lives to the cause of Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere.

Yup, they're giving their lives all right.

Literally: Heavenly Sovereign [Tenno] followed by an honorific like Imperial Majesty [Heika]