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October 2, 1942

Romiro's brother and nephew went to Cebu by batel, a trip they wouldn't repeat for any amount of money. At Bohol, USAFFE guerrillas stopped their truck and took them to a mountain hideaway. There a Filipino USAFFE sergeant told Romiro's brother, "I have orders to shoot you and the likes of you" [Spaniards]. Fortunately, the batel captain intervened to save them. The guerrillas let them keep their goods and Filipino money, but tore up all their Japanese notes, passes and permits. So there they were, stranded in the boondocks without official papers, hiding from every passing Japanese truck. How did they get back? Picture this — a couple of very alert looking Spaniards riding in a slow-moving carabao-drawn cart — kerpluck kerpluck. It took seemingly forever until they found a jitney to take them back to the boat. Then it was a stormy passage back with the boat appearing to be all but swamped a number of times.