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August 31, 1942

Tribune headline: "War Prisoners Urged to be True Filipinos" — in other words, the Axis have nothing to report. "General Wachi Gives Advise to Graduates." Through the "unparalleled generosity" of the Japanese Force, his advice is free.

Yesterday we heard conditions in New Guinea were "grave." Today the Japanese have been "repulsed and annihilated" — it's hard to keep up. KGEI's Grew said, "I have not the slightest shadow of a doubt that Japan will be utterly destroyed in due course." Radio Tokyo skipped the South Pacific entirely.

Necessity alters circumstances: wealthy automobile magnate, Alec Bachrach, sells santol jelly in attractive coconut husk shells. Prominent broker Da Silva runs a sari-sari store. And as for me, I'm working at Dad's Dry Goods store, trying to sell securities on the side, and writing this diary.