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August 30, 1942

The papers published a list of Filipino POWs to be released starting with those in Manila. Asked for a comment, Vargas said, "I am very grateful to the Imperial Japanese Forces for this further evidence of their benevolence and good intentions towards the Filipino people." This action, the Japanese reiterate, "is unprecedented in the history of international warfare."

Captain Hideo Hiraide says, "Japan is ready for any New Naval Attack." (I only hope it comes soon.) "Unable to resist the furious Japanese assault, the enemy fled southward and managed to make good their escape under cover of night." The naval spokesman said, however, that it was probably too hasty to conclude that the enemy would abandon fresh attempts against the Solomons. "The enemy claims to have landed over 10,000 marines on the islands and they could not be expected to be left at the mercy of the Japanese forces."