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July 25, 1942

The official languages are now Japanese and Tagalog; English will be "tolerated" for the time being.

Manila is a bit down due to the recent arrests of prominent Quezon City officials, such as the Rodriguezes and Vicente Ramirez. Members of the Executive Commission showed up en masse to ask the Japanese what's going on. Rumor has it that the crackdown is due to Wachi — "a tough fellow."

Two friends commenting on the radio ban expressed concern at the Japanese being in full control of the news: "What's going to happen later, when conditions change?" Note that it's always when and not if conditions change. Incidentally, as no one is supposed to listen, KGEI wasn't jammed tonight.

Heard a rumor about a convoy that left P.I. waters recently. American subs sank all but one ship. The remaining one is back in Manila, afraid to sail.