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July 24, 1942

"Prime Commodities Regulated" — just like that. Military Ordinance No. 4 regulates imports and exports (there are none), and No. 15 regulates the consumption and price of low-grade cotton fabrics (hardly any around).

The latest order forbids anyone to listen to any foreign news except that from Japan. Restrictions on aerials were posted: no more than two meters in length and must be of ordinary wire. I heard the Japanese tried to clean out all the radio shops of radios and parts today.

A friend who sent several packages to Cabanatuan admitted that all were confiscated. The last note he received on conditions there was on June 26. It said that food was OK; work was very hard — up to 10 hours a day — and medicines were not available. They are completely shut off from the world. When a committee of four is allowed out to buy food from the town, Japanese guards surround them to prevent communication with outsiders.