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July 21, 1942

"Search Continues ... Hunt for 5th Columnists Explained" — today's booty: 4 swords, 13 gas masks and one wireless transmitter key. After yesterday's search, Schaer offered the officer a beer and was brusquely rebuffed: "We Japanese never drink beer when on duty." Maybe not, but anything else goes. The party that entered Kessler's is now using the house as temporary headquarters. At another house, the searchers stayed to take a bath and eat, finishing the family's entire lunch of Arroz a la Valenciana, washed down with wine. Naturally, the family got some reward — big chalk characters on their wall that presumably means "OK."

Those chalk marks will soon wash off as we are in the thick of the rainy season. Last Saturday's 332 millimeters was the most since 1867 and a new record for any day in July.

La Vanguardia has a report on how justice is being served: "18 executed ... one to be imprisoned for several years" — guilty of crimes such as robbery and the spreading of anti-Japanese rumors. Only five were over the age of 28, two were 17 year olds and two 19 year olds.

The mayor has ordered us to register all typewriters. No prizes for guessing who gave the order to the mayor.