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July 16, 1942

A few days ago, jamming completely obliterated bradcasts from KGEI but not KWID. The jamming is now a bit off beam so it's possible to get the signal, but the jamming produces a distinct motor sound that could be easily heard by others, making it obvious you are listening to a prohibited station.

A joke of the times:

Ten Jap soldiers died and knocked on the gates at St. Peter's. "Who's there?" asked St. Peter.

"We are 10 Jap soldiers and we'd like to get in."

"Where did you die?" questioned St. Peter.

"At Bataan," answered the Japs.

"Get outta here, you're lying," said St. Peter. "I've been reading the Tribune and La Vanguardia for months and it doesn't say that you lost any men at Bataan."