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July 6, 1942

Last night, a car with the lights off sped up Ermita and Malate, heading south with a few intrepid passengers throwing out a poorly printed one-page article: "Juan de la Cruz speaks to the Japanese Military Fascists." Excerpt:

But Juan is wise, too, you must know. He knows that in this 'new order,' so-called, yours is prosperity, you are the feudal lords and we are the serfs.... But it will not be long now. Uncle Sam, the embodiment of all that is dear and sublime in the heart of the Filipinos and all mankind, shall come just as sure as your exit from here is coming....
Uncle Sam, hand to hand with Juan de la Cruz, shall teach you and your people the great lessons of civilization, which you and your posterity shall never forget. Long Live America. Down with Japan.

My informant confirms 'Juan' has taken to using more finesse lately. Sometimes though, he can't help himself — like when he said, "You Japs call yourselves masters of the Pacific, but you're just the rats of the Pacific." One broadcast consisted of "Calling Mr. Tojo ... Calling Japan," repeated for four minutes followed by an epithet in Tagalog.